The True Cost of Chemotherapy in India: Beyond the Hospital Bills

Almost all cancer patients require chemotherapy as their treatment. It is aimed to eradicate or control the spread of cancerous cells. The cost of chemotherapy in india varies widely. And it is very essential to understand what influences these costs and the additional expenses involved. While hospital bills represent a significant portion, there are other hidden costs that can add up.

Knowing this can give a significant idea to the patient and their family about the potential expenses. This will help them be prepared. So in this blog, we will talk about the average cost that chemotherapy has in India, the factors influencing the cost and other additional bills excluding the hospital ones.

Table Of Content :

  1. Average Cost of Chemotherapy in India
  2. Factors Affecting Chemotherapy Cost
  3. Additional Bills Apart from Hospital Bills
  4. Conclusion
  5. FAQs

Average Cost of Chemotherapy in India

Chemotherapy costs in India can vary from one hospital to another and depend on various factors. For instance, the type of cancer, stage, and the regimen prescribed. On average, a single chemotherapy treatment cost in india can range from INR 3,000 to INR 2,00,000.

Read More : Understanding Chemotherapy: A Comprehensive Guide

Public vs. Private Hospitals

Public hospitals often offer chemotherapy at subsidized rates. In some government hospitals, the chemotherapy treatment cost in india can be as low as INR 5,000 per session. However, private hospitals charge significantly more. This can sometimes reach up to INR 2,00,000 per session, depending on the drugs and facilities used. However, at Oncare Cancer, the chemotherapy cost is very affordable, lying between INR 12,000 and INR 39,000.

Type of Cancer and Treatment Regimen

The type of cancer significantly impacts the cost. For example, treatment for breast cancer may be less expensive than for leukemia or other complex cancers. Moreover, the chemotherapy regimen, including the combination of drugs, their dosage, and frequency, also affects the overall cost. Newer and more advanced drugs tend to be more expensive.

To help you navigate this, we recommend you talk to Oncare Cancer, a medical treatment facility for Cancer that can help you provide a better understanding of the costs that you may need to incur.

Here is a table that you can look at to understand the potential cost of chemotherapy in india in different states, like chemotherapy cost in delhi.


Chemotherapy Cost


INR 18,000 - INR 25,000

Tamil Nadu

INR 4,000 - INR 22,000

West Bengal

INR 3,000 - INR 40,000


INR 10,000 - INR 1,00,000

New Delhi

INR 30,000 - INR 2,00,000

Factors Affecting Chemotherapy Cost

Several factors influence the cost of chemotherapy in india. Understanding these can help patients and their families prepare better financially.

Drug Costs

Chemotherapy drugs can be quite expensive. The chemotherapy price in india varies depending on whether the drugs are generic or branded. Generic drugs are usually cheaper but may not be available for all types of chemotherapy.

Hospital Charges

Hospital charges, including consultation fees, room rent, and nursing care, add significantly to the total price for chemotherapy in india. Private hospitals, especially those in metropolitan areas, tend to charge more compared to those in smaller towns or government hospitals.

Diagnostic Tests

Regular diagnostic tests are an integral part of chemotherapy treatment. Tests like blood work, MRI, CT scans, and PET scans are required to monitor the patient’s progress and adjust treatment plans accordingly. These tests can add a substantial amount to the overall chemotherapy price in india.

Duration and Frequency of Treatment

The duration and frequency of chemotherapy sessions depend on the type and stage of cancer. Some patients might need weekly sessions, while others may require them less frequently. Longer treatment durations inevitably lead to higher costs.

Read More : Diet and Nutrition Tips for Chemotherapy Patients

Additional Bills Apart from Hospital Bills

Beyond the hospital bills, there are several additional expenses that patients and their families need to consider. These can often be overlooked but are crucial in understanding the full financial impact of chemotherapy.

Travel and Accommodation

Many patients travel from rural areas or smaller towns to metropolitan cities for better treatment facilities. Travel expenses, along with accommodation for the patient and their family, can be significant. Staying close to the treatment center often involves renting accommodation, which adds to the overall cost of chemotherapy in india.

Supportive Care and Medications

Chemotherapy can cause side effects such as nausea, fatigue, and infections, necessitating supportive medications. These medications, along with supplements to boost immunity, can be costly. Additionally, some patients may require physiotherapy or other rehabilitative services, adding to the overall expenses.

Nutrition and Special Diets

Maintaining proper nutrition is crucial for cancer patients. Special diets and nutritional supplements, often recommended by doctors, can be expensive. These costs are necessary to ensure the patient maintains their strength and can cope with the side effects of chemotherapy.

Loss of Income

One of the most significant, yet often unquantified, costs is the loss of income. Patients undergoing chemotherapy may be unable to work, leading to a loss of earnings. Additionally, family members may also take time off work to provide care, further impacting the household income.


The cost of chemotherapy in india extends far beyond the immediate hospital bills. While the treatment itself can be expensive, additional factors such as travel, accommodation, supportive care, and loss of income significantly contribute to the financial burden. Therefore, it is evident that the true cost of chemotherapy involves a complex interplay of direct and indirect expenses. Patients and their families need to consider all these aspects when planning for cancer treatment. This also sheds some light on the importance of comprehensive health insurance and financial planning in managing such a critical illness

To help you go through all these processes, we suggest you approach Oncare Cancer, a comprehensive medical centre for Cancer treatment where they will help you from the start. That way, they will be able to help you with the cost too.

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