Ovarian Cancer: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Care at Oncare Cancer Hospital

The ovaries are two small organs in a woman's pelvis responsible for producing eggs and regulating the hormonal balance in the body for a healthy menstrual cycle. However, if they get affected with cancer, it may result in serious health complications, including organ damage. Therefore, ovarian cancer is unquestionably a serious health cancer and should be intervened at the earliest stage for efficient recovery and management. Seek supreme medical attention with Oncare Cancer Hospital, Delhi, India.
Here's a complete overview of what ovarian cancer is, its types, and how it affects the female reproductive system:
What is ovarian cancer?
The type of cancer affecting the female ovaries is referred to as ovarian cancer. It is essential to avail of timely care and intervention for the proper management of ovarian cancer. You can visit Oncare Cancer Hospital, one of the best cancer management medical establishments in Delhi for an improved quality of life.
Types of ovarian cancer
Ovarian cancer can be classified into the following types:
Epithelial Ovarian Cancer
It is the most common type of ovarian cancer affecting women in India. It roots from the epithelial cells positioned at the lining of the ovaries. Epithelial ovarian cancer can be classified into the following subtypes:
- Serous Cells
- Mucinous Cells
- Clear Cells
- Endometrioid Cells
- Brenner Cells
Germ Cell Ovarian Cancer
Although it is a less common type of ovarian cancer affecting the female population in India, it should be treated at the earliest to restore healthy living. This type of cancer originates from the germ or egg cells. Germ Cell Ovarian Cancer can be classified into the following subtypes:
- Yolk Sac Tumor
- Teratoma
- Dysgerminoma
Sex Cord-Stromal Tumors
It is one of the most rare subtypes of ovarian cancer. The root cause of Sex Cord-Stromal Tumors is the sex cord-stromal cells in the ovary. This type of ovarian cancer can be further classified into:
- Thecoma
- Granulosa Cell Tumor
- Sertoli-Leydig Cell Tumor
Borderline Ovarian Tumors
Borderline Ovarian Tumors are tumors having low malignant potential and, therefore, are considered a cross between malignant and benign tumors. However, it would help if you opted for treatment immediately. You can visit Oncare Cancer Hospital in Delhi and get detailed insights into the treatment of Borderline Ovarian Tumors.
Rare Types
Apart from the categories mentioned above, ovarian cancer can be classified into the following types as well:
- Small Cell Carcinoma
These can be accredited as small and fast-growing aggressive cancer cells.
- Carcinosarcoma
These are malignant ovarian tumors comprising the characteristics of both epithelial and sarcomatous cells.
- Ovarian Melanoma
These are extremely rare pigment-producing cells responsible for inducing cancer. You can reach out to us and get the best treatments and care for all types of ovarian cancer.

Female reproductive system
Ovarian cancer can induce multiple changes in one's reproductive system. Here's how ovarian cancer can impact the female reproductive system:
Hormonal Imbalance
Ovarian cancer is greatly responsible for disrupting the balance of estrogen and progesterone in the body and leads to symptoms of menopause like sudden hot flashes, vaginal dryness, etc.
Reproductive Consequences
Ovarian cancer is greatly responsible for inducing infertility by damaging the ovaries and inducing early menopause. Also, women with ovarian cancer may experience severe complications in pregnancy like miscarriage, preterm labor, etc.
Sexual Health
A female suffering from ovarian cancer is likely to experience deteriorated sexual health including excruciating pain during sexual intercourse, dryness of the libido, and emotional consequences.
Psychological Impact
Experiencing anxiety and depression is quite common for patients with ovarian cancer due to the hormonal imbalance in the body. The changes in the body resulting from surgeries, weight loss, etc can have an intense negative impact on one's mental health.
Who gets ovarian cancer: Risk factors
Although anyone can develop ovarian cancer, certain risk factors make an individual much more prone to this deadly health complication:
- Family History
Women with a family history of ovarian cancer are more likely to develop it compared to other individuals.
- Genetic Mutations
Mutations in one's genetics like lunch syndrome, BRCA 1, BRCA 2, etc are more likely to develop ovarian cancer.
- Obesity
Obesity and excessive body weight also act as major risk factors for ovarian cancer in older women.
- Environmental Exposures
Getting exposed to harmful environmental components like asbestos, talc, etc., can trigger the chances of developing this health condition.
- Radiation Therapy
Women being exposed to radiation therapy beforehand are at a greater risk for ovarian cancer. You can consult our cancer specialists at Oncare Cancer Hospital and learn more about the major risk factors for ovarian cancer.
How does ovarian cancer spread?
Ovarian cancer can spread through the following routes:
- Direct Spread
It can be further categorized into local invasion and peritoneal spread. Invasion spread refers to the invasion of surrounding tissues and cells by the cancer cells. The peritoneal spread refers to the shedding of cancer into the peritoneal cavity.
- Lymphatic Spread
This routeway refers to the spread of cancer via the lymphatic system of the body. Ovarian cancer can spread through lymphatic vessels into lymph nodes which can further spread to other body parts.
- Hematogenous Spread
In this type of spread, the cancer cells spread throughout the body via the bloodstream. The cells enter the bloodstream and affect nearby organs like the liver, lungs, etc.
- Transcoelomic Spread
It refers to the spread of ovarian cancer cells through ascite fluid. Oncare Cancer Hospital in Delhi is one of the best hospitals for the treatment and management of ovarian cancer. Book your slots with our best oncologists and get enhanced insights on the spread of ovarian cancer.
Symptoms and Causes
Ovarian cancer is associated with multiple symptoms and causes which are as follows:
What are the Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer?
Keep reading to learn precisely about the symptoms associated with:
Pelvic Pain
Experiencing moderate to heavy pelvic pain is one of the most common symptoms of ovarian cancer. You might also feel a constant discomfort.
Fatigue and extreme tiredness accompanied by lethargy are common ovarian cancer symptoms. You might completely lose the urge to work.
Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding
If you suddenly experience unusual vaginal bleeding with menstruation accompanied by discomfort, you should at once seek medical attention since it can be an indication of this health concern.
Frequent Urination
It is quite common for ovarian cancer patients to suffer from frequent bouts of urination. Therefore, if you ever feel the urge to urinate very frequently, it will be best to get yourself diagnosed.
Ovarian cancer can also trigger indigestion followed by severe heartburn. You may also experience disruptions with the bowel movement.
What causes ovarian cancer?
The following are the potential causes for ovarian cancer:
Genetic Factors
Genetic factors like Lynch syndrome, mutations, etc can greatly trigger ovarian cancer. Let's help you acquire a better insight. Mutations in the genetic composition like TP53, PTEN, BRCA 1, BRCA 2, etc can lead to ovarian cancer and other colorectal diseases.
Lifestyle Factors
An unhealthy lifestyle can also lead to cancer in the ovaries like obesity, poor dietary choices, smoking, etc. Obesity results from excessive weight gain that simultaneously triggers an unusual boost in the body's level of estrogen.
Reproductive Factors
Reproductive factors do play a major role in inducing ovarian cancer. It may occur due to multiple factors like nulliparity, early pregnancy, multiple pregnancies, and infertility. However, staying under the supervision of an efficient cancer specialist will help you determine the root cause of your ovarian cancer and avail of the most effective treatment approaches. Therefore, visit Oncare Cancer Hospital right now!
When to see a doctor?
You should consult a certified doctor if you experience excruciating abdominal pain or pressure, severe vaginal bleeding, shortness of breath, unexplained weight loss, and unusual vaginal discharge. To get the best medical attention, visit us at Oncare Cancer Hospital and get personalized treatment approaches along with extensive cancer management and lifestyle guidance from the best cancer specialists on board. So, delay no more and prioritize your health with us. You can book consultation sessions with our top medical professionals to discuss the course of treatment and the possible outcomes.
Diagnosis and Tests
Imaging tests
The imagining tests for ovarian cancer can be classified into the following categories:
Transvaginal Ultrasound
In this procedure, the sound waves are utilized to create images of the ovaries.
CT Scan
In this procedure, X-rays and computer technology are used to generate detailed images of the ovaries.
Pelvic Ultrasound
The detailed images of the pelvic organs are created through sound waves in this technique.
Blood tests
The following blood tests are conducted for diagnosing ovarian cancer:
Blood Chemistry Test
The blood chemistry test is done to evaluate liver function, electrolytes, biomarkers, etc.
Tumor Marker Test
This blood test is conducted mainly to measure the amount of HE4, CA 19-9, etc in the bloodstream.
CA-125 Test
This blood test is conducted to measure the protein levels in the blood.
Surgical Evaluation
Surgical evaluation for determining the severity and extent of ovarian cancer includes:
Surgical Staging
It refers to the evaluation of the extent of cancer spread during surgery.
Fine-needle Biopsy
It refers to the removal of fluid or tissue samples for diagnosing ovarian cancer.
Exploratory Laparotomy
It refers to the opening of the abdomen to examine all the ovarian organs.
Here's how ovarian cancer can be diagnosed through the following laparoscopic procedures:
Laparoscopic Ultrasound
In this procedure, sound waves are used to evaluate the ovarian masses.
Diagnostic Laparoscopy
This procedure refers to the evaluation and spread of ovarian cancer.
Staging Laparoscopy
This procedure refers to the determination of the cancer stage and size of the tumor. Consult Oncare Cancer Hospital in Delhi and avail of the most reliable and accurate laparoscopic diagnostic tests for the evaluation of ovarian cancer.
Management and Treatment
The management and treatment of ovarian cancer can be referred to as a multidisciplinary approach. It includes surgical procedures, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and supportive care. However, it is essential to choose the appropriate medical facility to get the best treatment, diagnosis, and management. If you are looking for the best hospital in Delhi for cancer management, you can undoubtedly rely on us.
How is ovarian cancer treated?
Here's how ovarian cancer is treated:
Surgical Options
The following surgical options are beneficial for treating ovarian cancer:
- Total Abdominal Hysterectomy
It refers to the complete removal of the uterus through surgical procedures.
- Debulking Surgery
It is the surgical procedure of removing the tumor tissue with great precision.
- Laparoscopic Surgery
It is a minimally invasive surgery designed to treat ovarian cancer including steps like anesthesia, port placement, tumor removal, and lymph node dissection.
The following chemotherapies help with treating ovarian cancer:
- Intravenous Chemotherapy
This chemotherapy is induced through the veins of the patient.
It is a heated chemotherapy provided to the abdominal cavity.
- Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy
This chemotherapy is induced directly into the abdominal cavity.
Targeted Therapy
The following types of targeted therapies are catered for coping with ovarian cancer:
- MEK Inhibitors
It is effective for targeting low-grade serous ovarian cancer and solely targets MEK ½.
- mTOR Inhibitors
It is effective in combination with hormone replacement therapy and blocks mTOR.
- PARP Inhibitors
It is effective for the treatment of BRCA-mutated ovarian cancer.
The prevention of ovarian is a holistic approach including significant lifestyle changes and genetic testing and counseling:
Lifestyle Changes
You will be required to adopt effective lifestyle changes like consuming a healthy diet comprising fresh fruits and vegetables, engaging in regular exercise, avoiding smoking and drinking, and maintaining an overall healthy body weight.
Genetic Testing and Counseling
Genetic testing and counseling include a complete evaluation of family history to detect risk factors, along with genetic testing. At Bharat Kare, you can avail of the most reliable genetic testing for ovarian cancer prevention.
Outlook / Prognosis
Here's a comprehensive outlook of what an ovarian cancer patient may have to undergo:
What can I expect if I have ovarian cancer?
Individuals suffering from ovarian cancer will be required to undergo stages like initial diagnosis, treatment approaches like surgical procedures, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, etc, and extensive follow-up care to reduce the possibilities of ovarian cancer recurrence.
What’s the ovarian cancer survival rate?
The survival rate of stage 1 ovarian cancer in India accounts for approximately 93%. However, considering all the stages, the survival rate was reduced to 48%. You can expect the best diagnosis, treatment, and management for ovarian cancer at Oncare Cancer Hospital in Delhi. With the best oncologists onboard, your health is our topmost priority!
Long-term Management
The long-term management plan for ovarian cancer is associated as follows:
- Follow-up Care
You should seek regular follow-ups with your oncologist after treatment to keep your health under extensive supervision. You can get the best treatment and follow-up care for ovarian cancer at Oncare Cancer Hospital.
- Surveillance
Opting for surveillance once in every 2 to 3 months for the first year, and 6 to 12 months for the next 5 years is essential to keep your health checked.
- Palliative Care
Palliative care such as nutritional support, pain management, and symptom management is essential for long-term management.
Living With Ovarian Cancer
Living with ovarian cancer can be an incredibly challenging journey without the right guidance. Here's a comprehensive guide to learn more about living with ovarian cancer:
When should I see my healthcare provider?
In case you experience symptoms like severe abdominal pain, unusual vaginal discharge, dryness, and swelling with a rapid heart rate, you should at once immediate medical attention and schedule an appointment with a trusted healthcare provider. Reach out to our cancer hospital any time of the day and get assured medical assistance from top-notch surgeons in Delhi. We also offer extensive annual check-ups to preserve the health of patients with high-risk factors.
What questions should I ask my healthcare provider?
You can ask the following questions to your healthcare provider related to ovarian cancer diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and aftercare:
- What are my risk factors for ovarian cancer?
- What treatment options are available and how will it impact my life after treatment?
- What are the advantages and differences between each treatment approach?
- How long will the recovery take?
- How to reduce the risks of ovarian cancer recurrence?
About Oncare Cancer Cancer
Oncare Cancer Hospital in Delhi is one of the most reliable and efficient hospitals for catering the best treatment approaches to patients suffering from ovarian cancer. We have the best doctors from AIIMS and TMH with more than 20 years of experience! Also, you can avail of extensive 24*7 coordinator support and get assistance anytime anywhere! Visit us for highly reliable and affordable treatment approaches at 40% less cost.
Avail of the unmatchable treatment and management for ovarian cancer in Delhi. Book your consultation session with our best oncologists today!
Medical Professionals
Meet our professional team of doctors specializing in ovarian cancer treatment:
- Dr. Aditya Vidushi
She is a medical oncology specialist with extensive experience and expertise
- Dr. Deepak Jain
Trained from the reputed Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai, Dr Deepak Jain is a highly efficient senior cancer specialist & oncosurgeon.
- Dr. Shradhha Jain
She is a certified radiation oncologist with innumerable positive patient outcomes.