Common Side Effects of Chemotherapy You Should Know About
Chemotherapy is a drug therapy that uses potent chemicals to destroy your body's fast-growing cells. Since cancer cells proliferate and expand far more quickly than most other cells in the body, chemotherapy is the treatment of choice for cancer. However, there could be some side effects for chemotherapy. It is important to note, though, that not everyone has every damaging effect, and some have very few or none at all.
Every person has side effects of chemo for cancer to varying degrees of intensity. Make sure you discuss with your cancer care team the side effects that are most likely to occur from your chemotherapy, including when to contact your doctor's office, how long they could continue, and how severe they might be. Your doctor could prescribe medication to help you avoid certain side effects of chemo for cancer. This article talks all about the side effects of chemotherapy so that you know what and how to deal with it. Keep on reading to know more.

Why Does Chemotherapy Cause Side Effects?
Chemotherapy acts by focusing on living cells. Cells that are developing and dividing as a regular component of the cell cycle are known as active cells. Healthy cells and cancerous cells are both living things moving through the cell cycle. Chemotherapy affects these healthy cells, which results in side effects. For instance, you could throw up or feel sick to your stomach. side effects for chemotherapy do not indicate how effectively a chemotherapy treatment is working in the majority of cases. Many negative effects of chemotherapy can be treated or prevented by your healthcare provider. There are a lot more drugs accessible now than there were in the past to treat the side effects of chemotherapy. Palliative care, also known as supportive care, involves the prevention and treatment of long term side effects of chemotherapy. At any point in the cancer treatment process, it is crucial.
Doctors and scientists are always trying to create new medications, pharmacological combinations, and delivery methods that have fewer side effects. Nowadays, side effects for chemotherapy are lower than they were merely a few years ago.
Common Side Effects of Chemotherapy
Many people are concerned about whether or not they are likely to suffer side effects for chemotherapy and, if so, what those effects would look like. The following are a few of the most common side effects brought on by chemotherapy:
One of the most common side effects for chemotherapy is tiredness, or fatigue. Many patients with therapy experience fatigue most of the time or get quickly tired while doing ordinary tasks. You should try to get enough sleep or try a light exercise like yoga or walking to increase your energy levels. Make sure you contact a nurse or doctor if you suddenly feel very tired and breathless. Although the majority of cancer treatment centers provide extensive care to their patients, OnCare provides the best care and comfort to its patients. You can visit them for a consultation session.
Hair Loss
While it is not a usual side effect of chemotherapy, hair loss is one of its common long term side effects of chemotherapy. Find out from your medical team if it might be a result of the medications you take. If hair loss happens, it usually starts a few weeks after your initial treatment. A significant amount of hair loss usually occurs in one to two months. The head is the most typical place to lose hair, but other body areas, including the arms, legs, and face, can also experience hair loss. Almost usually, the hair loss is quite temporary. Soon after your treatment is over, you should start to see the growth of new hair. You can opt to wear a cold cap during the treatment to lessen the chances of hair loss. Designed to keep your scalp chilly during a treatment session, a cold cap resembles a cycling helmet. As a result, less medication reaches your scalp due to decreased blood flow.
Sore Mouth
Some chemotherapy medications can end up in infections or mouth sores, including ulcers. This is more likely to come up if you have gum disease or dental issues or if you have received radiation therapy to the head, neck, or chest.
Inform your doctor if you see any sores, ulcers, thickened saliva, or difficulty swallowing. Also, follow these tips to avoid mouth sores:
- Twice a day, brush your teeth with a gentle toothbrush.
- Four times a day, rinse your mouth with a glass of warm water with one teaspoon of salt or bicarbonate of soda. Steer clear of alcohol-containing mouthwashes.
- During chemotherapy treatments, try sucking on ice to avoid mouth sores.
Changes in Skin and Nails
Many chemotherapy medications can cause in peeling, darkening, or dry, itchy skin. Your skin could grow more sensitive to the sun during treatment and for a few months. Some people also notice that their nails alter, turning darker than normal or getting white lines or ridges across them. Additionally, your nails might get dry and brittle. Usually, these alterations intensify. You can do several things to look after your skin and nails:
- Only wear loose clothes made of cotton fabric instead of rough wool or synthetic fiber.
- Do not shave or wax until your skin healed completely.
- Use moisturizing soap for showers, and always apply moisturizing cream to help with the dryness.
Chemotherapy is a drug therapy used to treat cancer. It can present several side effects for chemotherapy in the body. It is important to note that everyone does not get these side effects of chemo for cancer. However, when you do experience any of these common side effects, there are several things you can do to prevent or cure them. More importantly, your health team is always by your side to make sure you don't feel uncomfortable. The healthcare team at OnCare always ensures the best care and comfort for its patients. Visit them to know more.
At Oncare, we have a dedicated team of doctors who can help navigate your journey in the treatment of brain tumors. From managing symptoms to a safe treatment plan, we pledge to provide you with the best facilities so that you are back to living a healthy life.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Chemotherapy side effects that are most frequently reported include tiredness, hair loss, nausea, vomiting, and impaired immune system. Patients may also have changes in taste or smell, mouth sores, lack of appetite, diarrhea, or constipation. Chemotherapy can also result in anemia, which can impair both men's and women's fertility and induce exhaustion and dyspnea. The intensity and duration of these side effects can differ. Your doctor can help you prevent or treat these side effects so that you don't feel uncomfortable.
Side effects such as nausea and vomiting are frequently seen by people undergoing chemotherapy. After therapy, these symptoms may appear and last for a few days. Even though anti-nausea drug developments have lessened these side effects, some people still feel pain to varied degrees. Patients can lessen these side effects and have a better overall chemo experience by controlling their nutrition and hydration and by following the prevention and care tips provided by their doctor.
Doctors sometimes reduce their patients' dosages for neuropathy and provide drugs that can assist and encourage the creation of new nerve cells. Chemotherapy can cause nausea for some persons due to its effects on taste. Ginger tea or candies, which is well-known for relaxing the stomach, can be helpful in reducing sensations of nausea. Diarrhea is a side effect of chemotherapy that can be mitigated by having medication on hand, such as Imodium.
Chemotherapy side effects are usually controlled with medicine or by adjusting the dosage. Medication is an effective way to treat exhaustion, nausea, and vomiting. Doctors often reduce a patient's dose and recommend drugs that treat neuropathy. Having something on hand to help with diarrhea is helpful because chemotherapy might induce this side effect. One such medication is Imodium. Chemotherapy can cause nausea for some persons due to its effects on taste. Ginger tea or candies, which are well-known for relaxing the stomach, can be helpful in reducing sensations of nausea.